Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Transportation of a journalist

I am lucky enough to have a car that is very reliable and that I can take anywhere I need to go, as long as there is somewhere to park it. Downtown Winnipeg is one of the hardest places to find parking and yesterday our journalism class went to the Law Courts downtown.

I don't have any idea where to park downtown, and I didn't want to spend $10 just to be there for a few hours. So, I took the bus.

Last year I took the bus to school and back home almost every day but now that I'm used to driving it was a terrible experience. Why, you ask? Well, to start you never know when the bus is going to come.

Winnipeg Transit isn't always on time. Sometimes the bus is early, sometimes it's super late. And, living in the South end of the city makes it even harder to get places like downtown because busses don't come very often and if you miss your bus, you're going to be late. It's very important that journalists aren't late especially to the Law Courts because if you miss part of the trial you're going to have to catch up and you might miss the announcement of a publication ban.

The bus is also way too hot and often over crowded. I was sweating on the bus yesterday which hindered my appearance. I had to comb my hair once I got the Law Courts, it's important for journalists to look professional.

Some people don't respect others when riding the bus. It really annoys me when people (mainly Jr. High aged kids in this case) take up a ton of seats, talk loudly and generally break all the rules of the bus. This put me in a bad mood and it's important for journalists to always be open minded and not  grumpy. So, I had to shake it off.

Being on the bus makes me personally very sleepy. This is really bad because unless it's night time, and even that doesn't matter sometimes, journalists need to be alert. If you're tired and nodding off you can miss something and you'll just look unprofessional and you don't want that kind of reputation.

Maybe all of these things just happened to me and affected me because I'm not used to taking the bus. But, for the rest of the year I'm going to be taking my car. It gives me time to think, be alone, sing really loud (which pumps me up), be in control of my own arrival time and most importantly sleep in!

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