Friday, October 29, 2010

Fifteen Minutes of Fame

I am proud to say that my letter to the editor regarding Thomas Steen's victory in the 2010 Winnipeg Civic Election was published in the Winnipeg Free Press today.

Ever since a classmate told me I was in the paper, I've been telling people about it all day. Though I found it strange though that they didn't call me to confirm I wrote it before they published it, I was still ecstatic when I opened the Winnipeg Free Press to page A15.

A friend of mine photographed my blurb and posted it on Facebook, so here it is!

Some of my classmates also had their letters published in today's paper, and tomorrow's paper will likely feature others opinions. I really enjoyed this experience and hope that they, along with myself, continue to write editorials. It's good practice writing and a good way to get your name out there.

Also, my dad is an avid reader of the letters to the editor and he said it was nice to see so many well written letters. He hopes that he sees our names appear in there again. (thanks Pops!)

I'd like to thank Kenton Larsen for "inspiring" us to write letters, my parents for being awesome and reading the paper every day and Thomas Steen for creating controversy to write about.


  1. Seeing one's name in print is always a thrill, especially with a piece of original writing such as this.
