Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Thought Tweeting was for the Birds

A few years ago when it was brand new I decided I should get Twitter. I thought that following all the celebrities I wanted would be so fantastic and thought I would be on it everyday. That is until my friends all made fun of me for having it!

Wanting to be the queen of popularity I decided to stop using twitter and never mentioned it to my friends again. Little did my friends know that Twitter would soon be one of the biggest phenomenons of our generation.

I think the first person I started following was Ashton Kutcher. At the time I had the hugest crush ever on him! This was at the time when I thought I still had a chance because Demi Moore was "really old"! I started following Ellen, Oprah and Britney Spears. All while shamelessly hiding behind an anonymous username. Sadly, my friends still made fun of me for following celebrities since it probably "wasn't even real" so I promptly deleted my account.

In anticipation of starting CreComm at Red River College I decided to venture back into the world of Twitter. I am now using it for more useful things such as following news, recipes and classmates. Best of all, my friends can't make fun of me now because it's required for school!

Follow me on twitter:

1 comment:

  1. You're a natural headline writer. But I'd include the word "the!"
